queens raw generic 1981 copy 2.jpg
market dinner from the elevated west side highway 1981.jpg
two men and world trade center 1988 copy.jpg
brooklyn texaco 1981 copy.jpg
from weehawken 1000  1979 flattened copy.jpg
Sniffen court 150 east 36th street copy.jpg
soho 1978  copy.jpg
west side hwy 1981 copy.jpg
yale truck 1981west side highway new york city copy.jpg
warren st nyc 1986 copy.jpg
jersey city 1975 (2) copy.jpg
1978 soho sill copy.jpg
blue downtown generic 1981 copy.jpg
nyc kathy (2) copy.jpg
brooklyn bridge tree 1988 copy.jpg
impala nyc 1980 copy.jpg
jersey city 1975 copy.jpg
kathy nyc 1980 copy.jpg
Mickeys Warren st nyc 1981.jpg
Kathy nyc 1981 2071 copy.jpg
Kathy nyc 1981070 copy.jpg
manhatan softball_1 copy.jpg
nyc 1979 toy car copy.jpg
brooklyn 1978 copy.jpg
blue car brooklyn 1978004 copy.jpg
brooklyn 1988.jpg
browse 1977 lower manhatten copy.jpg
queens raw generic 1981 copy 2.jpg
market dinner from the elevated west side highway 1981.jpg
two men and world trade center 1988 copy.jpg
brooklyn texaco 1981 copy.jpg
from weehawken 1000  1979 flattened copy.jpg
Sniffen court 150 east 36th street copy.jpg
soho 1978  copy.jpg
west side hwy 1981 copy.jpg
yale truck 1981west side highway new york city copy.jpg
warren st nyc 1986 copy.jpg
jersey city 1975 (2) copy.jpg
1978 soho sill copy.jpg
blue downtown generic 1981 copy.jpg
nyc kathy (2) copy.jpg
brooklyn bridge tree 1988 copy.jpg
impala nyc 1980 copy.jpg
jersey city 1975 copy.jpg
kathy nyc 1980 copy.jpg
Mickeys Warren st nyc 1981.jpg
Kathy nyc 1981 2071 copy.jpg
Kathy nyc 1981070 copy.jpg
manhatan softball_1 copy.jpg
nyc 1979 toy car copy.jpg
brooklyn 1978 copy.jpg
blue car brooklyn 1978004 copy.jpg
brooklyn 1988.jpg
browse 1977 lower manhatten copy.jpg
show thumbnails